Self-Mentorship Levels
At this point in the module, you have become more familiar with the concept of self-mentoring. Dr. Carr (2015) asserted that self-mentoring is a "four-level, tiered process" (p. 42) including:1. self-awareness 2. self-development 3. self-reflection and 4. self-monitoring. Levels are designed to be progressive, but the pace of your advancement through the levels is determined by your motivation, time, dedication, and commitment to planning (Carr, 2015). Carr also noted that although self-mentoring is a structured process, the practice of self-mentoring is a cycle of continuous self-improvement. The images below are graphic representations of the self-mentoring process and cycle.

*Images created using Canva.*
The figures below outline and define each level of the self-mentoring process. The bullet points underneath each level represent steps that are part of the act of self-mentoring. You will use the linked text to access documents and complete activities which will support your understanding of the self-mentoring levels. The documents may be downloaded or printed for your convenience. Linked sources used in this section are included in the reference list under the About this PLM tab.
1. Self-Awareness-develop knowledge of yourself and assess your environment to set an expectation.
Consider your strengths and talents (Johari Window - Take the Test Online, n.d.).
Assess your readiness to self-mentor in this environment.
3. Self-Reflection-analyze and reflect on information collected.
2. Self-Development-create a plan to help you reach expectations.
Brainstorm measurable strategies to meet the expectation/goal.
Develop a timeline.
4. Self-Monitoring-determine if expectations have been reached and plan to sustain your progress.

(Carr, 2012, p. 26).
Time to reflect!

Now that you have explored each of the four self-mentoring levels, use your notetaking sheet to respond to the following questions:
How would you rate your confidence in each of the four self-mentoring levels?
Would some of the levels be more challenging for you than others? Explain.
What resources are available to you in your current environment that would support you?