How will
self-mentoring help me?
Studies have been conducted in educational settings with beginning teachers and new hires which suggested that self-mentoring was beneficial and helped grow capacity. Results indicated that participants in these studies experienced and gained greater confidence and increased self-efficacy. The data implied that teachers felt more assured about their roles as classroom instructional leaders and as leaders in their buildings (Carr, 2015). View the video below to listen to what educators have to share about their experiences with self-mentoring. Following the video, click on the article link to read about the results of self-mentoring research conducted by Dr. Carr and complete the reflection exercise.
Time to reflect!
After viewing the video and reading the article, consider the following questions and record your reflections using your notetaking sheet.
How would you currently rate yourself as a leader?
What are some instructional or professional practices you would like to change or improve?
How do the study results you read about in the article relate to you?